04/22/13 A Letter to the Representatives in European Parliament

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April 22, 2103

Dear Sirs,

We would like to warmly congratulate you on your election to the European parliament.

As an educative association for animal protection and rights, that has been active for over 11 years, we are members of respected foreign sister organizations such as Eurogroup for Animals, ECEAE (European Coalition to End Animal Experiments), EVU (European Vegetarian Union), FFA (Fur Free Alliance), IAFC (International Anti-Fur Coalition) and OIPA (International Organization for Animal Protection) and partners with international organization InterNICHE.

In Article 13 of the Consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union it states that animals are sentient beings, which is why the Union and member states "give their full attention to requests for animal welfare." In the Directive 63/2010/EU it states that "animals have an intrinsic value which must be respected. There are also the ethical concerns of the general public with regards to the use of animals in procedures. Therefore, animals should always be treated as sentient creatures."

We believe that within your parliamentary mandate, you will advocate for the rights and protection of animals, as well as important actions that will help develop an ethical and civilized society. Therefore, we are at your disposal for collaboration, in order to help solve the problems connected to protection and animal rights. It would make us happy if you would, in the interest of representing Croatia as an ethically and legislatively advanced country, devote special attention within your work, to representing the interest of animal welfare in the European parliament.

We are sending you some useful educative material and we look forward to the opportunity for collaboration.

Kind regards,

Luka Oman

The list of Croatian MEPs:

Tonino Picula, SDP-HNS-HSU
Mario Baldini, SDP-HNS-HSU
Biljana Borzan, SDP-HNS-HSU
Oleg Valjalo, SDP-HNS-HSU
Sandra Petrovic Jakovina, SDP-HNS-HSU
Dubravka Suica, HDZ-HSP AS-BUZ
Andrej Plenkovic, HDZ-HSP AS-BUZ
Davor Ivo Stier, HDZ-HSP AS-BUZ
Ivana Maletic, HDZ-HSP AS-BUZ
Zdravka Busic, HDZ-HSP AS-BUZ
Ruza Tomasic, HDZ-HSP AS-BUZ
Nikola Vuljanic, Labour Party

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