How You Can Help
By all means with your support, membership, donations, equipment, advices, critics, suggestions, and volunteer work.
Animal Friends calls for volunteer's help in its actions and campaigns so we invite you to join us in our work for the animals, if you want and if you can.
There is so much work that needs to be done and so many things we need for our work. You can either support our work by joining or making a donation. But below you can find a list of very important things that need to be done. Please have a look and contact us, if you feel like there is something you can take over:
- Translating (from foreign languages into Croatian and vice versa, proffesional and plain texts, books and videos)
- Proofreading (in Croatian and English)
- Collecting and Translating news from abroad into Croatian
- Flyers, brochures, etc. designs
- Layout and preparation for print of the books and brochures
- Web design and web mastering
- Writinig of columns and texts for our web page
- Fill in ongoing sections on our website, supervision of content
- Subtitling, synchronization, video editing etc.
- Scanning, OCR
- Administrative jobs (the knowledge of working in Excel and Word)
- Maintenance of antivirus protection on computers and similar technical support
- Monitoring grants and seeking sponsors, writing applications for grants
- Writing requests for donation and proposals for collaboration
- Setting up an info stall on concerts and festivals
- Arranging lectures in schools and other educational institutions
- Legal advice (advice and filing criminal and misdemeanor charges, and representation)
- Activism on our information stand
- Packing post, copying DVDs, folding flyers etc.
- Press clipping
- Leafleting in schools, health-food stores and pet stores
- Gathering signatures for petitions
- Maintenance of the car, that was provided by a member
- Making of costumes and masks
- Delivery and transport
- Giving room for lectures, projections and performances
- Printing of info materials, posters, banners, billboards...
- Dissemination of information about events on the Internet (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Blog...)
- Donation of fur coats and other fur items/garments for performances
- Donation of vehicles such as auto trailers
- Donation of office supplies
- Donations of food of plant origin for volunteers and tastings
- Donations of computer equipment, whole computers and/or parts
- Donations of items that could be useful, or have a value that can be used for our non-profit work
- Donations of services such as servicing, repairs, etc.
- Preparing vegan dishes and cookies for volunteers and tastings
- Payment of membership fees and appeal to the payment of membership fees
- Payment of grants and writing requests for donations
- Purchase from the Web Catalogue
- Distributing posters for actions around town
As our organization financially depends on donations, even your most minimal help is most welcome and helps us to continue our work for animal rights.
It is up to you if you want to send us a one-time donation, sponsor specific campaigns, give us materials or donate office equipment and computer hardware (stationery, fax machine, computers and computer compnents - hard disk, printer, monitor, etc. - office furniture) or if you want to support us ongoing with your regular donations. A small monthly donation helps most, as regular donations make it possible to plan our work and campaigns in advance.