04/06/20 Unified Information Center established

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- Sent to all cities and local municipalities


We want to inform you that the Unified Information Center for Lost and Abandoned Animals (UIC) has been established by the Animal Protection Act of 2017. With the establishment of the UIC, a unique database of all lost and abandoned animals has finally been created. So be sure to check that all animals registered in your area are in the Unified Information Center because proper animal registration is in your interest.

An overview of the JIC is available at: https://jic.mps.hr/.

Since the Animal Protection Act mandates that all abandoned animals must be neutered at a shelter, you can also check at the UIC that this obligation is being fulfilled with all animals admitted to the shelter and that all information about dogs is fully entered on time. Castration also includes puppies, but since they may be adopted before they reach the age for castration, the shelter must enter into a contract with the person adopting the animal in which they obligate that they will castrate the dog after the age of six months.

We also take the opportunity to recall the responsibilities of local communities to control the microchipping of all dogs that are being cared for. Let us share with you good practice examples and a variety of ways, such as communal security officers, hiring veterinary inspection and other services, as well as students or public workers to visit all households to check that all dogs are microchipped.

Please also note that more than one hundred local communities now fund or subsidize the castration of foster dogs and cats to directly address the causes of the problem and reduce the financial expenditures required due to the irresponsibility of carers of dogs and cats. We will be happy to share with you good practice examples from the local communities that have developed their own programs for controlling the dogs and cats population.

Once again, please take full advantage of the UIC and make sure that all abandoned dogs in your area are properly registered in the UIC and castrated, and we are at your disposal for further inquiries and information.

Best regards,

Luka Oman
president of the Association
special adviser to the Minister of Agriculture for the field of animal protection




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