01/15/08 Resignation of the Veterinary Inspector

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Attn. Branko Zbodulja, dr. vet. med.
Av. Dubrovnik 12
10000 Zagreb

Dear Mr. Zbodulja,

Provoked by your granting permission to display a tiger in front of a night club, we write this letter to suggest you resign from your position and let someone more concerned about animal protection take your position.

For every veterinary inspector who performs his duty professionally and responsibly, animal welfare is a key concern in his work. This definitely was not the case when issuing the permission for displaying a tiger in front of a night club. We assume that you know the articles of the Veterinary Law well and that inspecting dried meat samples is not difficult for you, but we truly doubt that you know much about the Animal Protection Act or that you would advocate for the welfare of animals as you are expected to.

If you find this work hard, or if you see no need to bring charges against perpetrators breaking the Animal Protection Act which obliges you to protect animal welfare, we suggest you to resign from your duty as veterinary inspector. We believe it would be good for you to find a workplace where you would not have to worry about the subject of exploiting animals wherever possible as long as paperwork for such matter can be done.

This letter will be sent to the address of the authorized Ministry where we will ask for control and reorganization of activities of the veterinary inspection, ask for a greater number of inspectors and introduction of veterinary inspectors to deal exclusively with animal welfare issues and the Animal Protection Act and not to treat it as a tiresome side activity from the routine checking of slaughterhouses and food warehouses.

We hope that this letter will result with your resigning or a significant change of your way of thinking and working.


Luka Oman

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