12/18/15 Removal of Razor-wire on Croatian Borders
Mr. Karmenu Vella
Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
European Commission
Rue de la Loi 200 / Wetstraat 200
B-1049 Brussels
December 18, 2015
Ref: Removal of razor-wire on Croatian borders
Honorable European Commission,
Dear Mr. Vella,
We are writing to you from the largest animal rights organization in Croatia, deeply concerned about the ever grater number of dead animals on Croatian borders.
When Croatia was joining the European Union, none of us dreamed that one day we would find ourselves encircled with razor-wire in the heart of the Europe, which was proudly presenting itself as the union of nations with no borders and a great tolerance towards everyone.
Now the image of Europe has drastically changed, evoking the memories of Europe's dark times when millions of people were put behind wires and terminated in death camps, just because they were different and just because it was possible to do so.
Razor-wire at Slovenian and Hungarian borders is not only an insult to the modern Europe's democracy and freedom, but a serious political issue for the European Commission as well as for all governing bodies and member countries to deal with before it is too late. For some, unfortunately, it already is too late.
Many wild animals are dying in agony, cut with razors until they bleed to death while they are trying to cross from one country to another, because animals do not know, and should not know, about the borders. It is in their nature to be and feel free, and we can only regret that humans do not feel the same way.
Razor-wire is killing animals and sending a wrong message to humans who are running from their devastated homes in order to save their lives. Razor-wire is a shame for Slovenia and Hungary, it is a deadly tool in wrong hands which is setting deadly traps for the innocent.
Animal Friends Croatia beseeches the European Commission and all member countries to send a serious warning, demanding from Slovenia and Hungary to remove the razor-wire from their borders without delay before it becomes a deadly trap for hundreds of more of animals (and humans).
Such practice should not and must not be tolerated in Europe of the new millennium, in a world of true democracy, equality and brotherhood. Or are we all just dreaming a dream that will never come true?
On behalf of animals and refugees alike, we urge you to do whatever it is in your power for razor-wire to be removed from all the European borders, never to be set up again.
We thank you for your time and engagement.
With best regards,
Luka Oman
President of Animal Friends Croatia