10/05/02 Ethical Products

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Animal Friends invites the public to be compassionate during the everyday shopping


Animal Friends continues to inform the public about the conscientious buying, about ethical products offered at the market and the other ones causing pain, suffering and death of animals. It is a continuation of the program Animal Friends Days.

On Saturday, October 5, a day after World Animal Protection Day, and two days after World Laboratory Animals Protection Day, the association will, by a short action during the rush-hour in Zagreb, try to inform as many citizens as possible about the suffering that the animals have to endure for some of the cosmetic ingredients to be produced.

On that occasion, we will be handing out leaflets on which the companies that don't test their products on animals and that should be supported will be listed, whereas we will boycott those others until they have changed their barbaric practice of product testing.

The product list has finally been issued on the Croatian market, and there you can find the majority of products that are, i.e. that are not tested on animals. We are handing out the list to the citizens in order for them to avoid the products that inflict the pain and suffering to the animals, and to support the ethical products.

The action will take place at noon on Petar Preradovic Square, where the activists will be handing out product lists while moving towards Ban Jelacic Square.

It is time for Croatia to come up to the world and European campaign against the cosmetic tests on animals. The European Union should undertake the measures for outlawing those tests until 2005. There are more and more companies in the world that are replacing the barbaric tests on animals by alternative and more reliable methods, and the majority of them enjoy world reputation.

More information, as well as the detailed list of all world and Croatian companies (not) testing their products on animals can be found at www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr, in the section "Animal Experimentation" on the main menu of the web page.

Furthermore, at the Animal Friends' stall on Starcevic Square one can obtain materials about vivisection and samples of products that were not tested on animals.

Every year, millions of animals all over the world are exposed to intense suffering because of the disputable testing of cosmetic products and their ingredients. Rabbits, guinea-pigs, rats, dogs, cats, monkeys and other small animals are used for testing the dependability of products; they are poisoned by cosmetics and cleaning agents...

The most frequent reactions are twitching, vomiting, paralysis and various types of bleeding - from the nose, eyes and oral cavity. For example, in the skin irritation test, the concentrated chemical is applied to the animal's shaved back and the effects are then monitored for several days. The wounds are horrible, the pain is unbearable and no pain killers are given to the animal.



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