12/31/12 New Year's Resolution for Life!

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Animal Friends invites you to join global positive changes for the planet and all creatures

- Starting the new year with the "strongest animal rights speech ever" and most influential life decision

Have you already decided on your new year's resolution? Would you like your resolution this year to have far reaching consequences not only for your life, but also for other creatures and the world we live in? Animal Friends invites you to use your new year's resolution to help yourself, the animals and save the planet!

The number of people in the world on vegan diet is growing all the time. In the USA, where meat demand is dramatically falling from year to year, the number of vegans exceeds the number of vegetarians. In Croatia over 160 thousand people have a veggie diet. There are over 600 million vegetarians in the world. That number is greater than the whole population of United States, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada and Australia together. If vegetarians were one nation, they would be greater than twenty-seven member states of the European Union.

The best decision in the new year is to join the growing global vegan movement and change your diet. Think about this decision not only to improve your own health and appearance and keep the desired body weight, but also for the sake of the environment and hungry people in the world, and primarily for ethics and animals. There is no need to wait to be forced to change our diet due to lack of food and water and misery, but compassion and common sense.

By making this important decision you can change your outlook on life, save thousands of animals and participate in specific and the most effective change that this planet needs. If for some of you this decision seems too hard, start by becoming a vegetarian or to start with don’t eat meat at least once a week. Almost all of us are reluctant to change our habits, but at the same time we like to see the positive changes once we manage to do it.

Animal Friends invites everyone to take ten minutes and watch the inspiring speech of Philip Wollen, that was translated into Croatian and published in order to prompt as many individuals as possible to make a new year's resolution to change their diet. The video called "What Should We Change?" many people call the strongest animal rights speech ever, and it is published on Animal Friends' web site. In the video Wollen summarizes reasons to change our attitude towards our own species and animals: "The animals are not just different species. They are a different nation. And by killing them we harm ourselves. The peace map is charted in the food menu."

Animal Friends will celebrate the New Year on Trg kralja Tomislava in Zagreb, on December 31, 2012 starting at 5 P.M., by showing on their stall "the best speech for those who have no voice," through Philip Wollen's thoughtful honest arguments against cruelty and seeking of justice for all creatures.

Philip Wollen is an Australian philanthropist and distinguished member of the animal rights movement. He carries out programs for saving abused animals and finances animal welfare activities. Through his main project, Winsome Constance Kindness Trust, he carries out a global initiative in around 30 countries whose goal is "to promote kindness towards all living creatures." He emphasises ethics, compassion and cooperation and opposes cruelty towards people and non-human animals. Every year he gives an award to individuals who dedicated their life to protecting all living creatures, and Sir David Attenborough got the award in 2012.

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