07/21/08 For a Ban on Primate Experiments

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With an action in Split, Animal Friends marks the Day of Fighting Animal Experiments

- On the third anniversary of the liberation of the beagles, Animal Friends continues marking the Day of Fighting Animal Experiments

After rescuing 32 beagle dogs from the experiments at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb on July 21, 2005, Animal Friends began to mark the Day of Fighting Animal Experiments. This year the Day of Fighting Animal Experiments is dedicated to primates and the huge efforts all around the European Union, which endeavors to outlaw experiments on all non-human primates.

The action "For the Ban on Primate Experiments" will take place on Monday, July 21, at 12 noon in Split. With this action, during which two "primates" will be captivated in a cage, Animal Friends will bring into spotlight the suffering of primates in morally indefensible and scientifically questionable practice of subjecting primates to painful and invasive experiments thus call upon the Croatian public, politicians and relevant authorities to legally ban all experiments on primates in line with the efforts within the European Union.

Almost 80 per cent of the European Citizens who responded to the EC's consultation on the revision of the lab animal directive 86/609 said they did not consider the use of monkeys in experiments as acceptable. Many organizations and animal protection and rights groups together with scientists, doctors interested for human welfare, the Europe's leading non-animal medical research charity Dr Hadwen Trust, and ever greater number of politicians and Euro MEPs joined this all-European campaign.

Last year Animal Friends sent a request to the ministry in charge to legally ban experiments on primates. According to an independent survey, more than 73% of Croatian citizens want to ban animal experiments since they consider such experimenting unethical.

And while we are still waiting for the legislation which will ban experiments on primates, the Spanish Parliament announced its support to attain legal rights for non-human great apes. This is the first time a national legislature has announced its approval of rights for non-human beings. The new resolutions, which extend ''human'' rights to apes, have cross-party or majority support and are expected to become law. The government is now committed to update the statute book within a year to outlaw harmful experiments on apes in Spain.

More than 10,000 monkeys are used in European laboratories every year and about 1,000 of them are snatched from the wild.

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