04/06/23 Veganism for Health and Longevity

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On the occasion of World Health Day Animal Friends Croatia point out the benefits of plant-based products

- Plant-based diet is proven to have effects on good health, weight loss and a longer lifespan

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At the recent conference, held on behalf the occasion of Croatian Obesity Awareness Day, it was reported that Croatian citizens are the most obese in the European Union and that around 35 percent of children and 65 percent of adults are overweight and obese and that the treatment of obesity-related diseases costs the country 1.7 billion Euros.

Animal Friends Croatia has a concrete suggestion for improving people’s health, reducing the cost of treatment of obesity-related diseases and protecting the environment, which they point out prior to the upcoming World Health Day that is celebrated each year on April 7th.

„For years we have educated people on a plant-based diet for all. Numerous research has shown that people who base their diet on plant-based foods live healthier and with more quality. Aside from a plant-based diet has a beneficial effect on our body, with the vegan lifestyle we also influence the creation of a healthier environment which is needed to stay healthy”, Animal Friends Croatia says.

Plant-based diet prevents many diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, liver and gallstone diseases, joint problems, lung and kidney diseases, colon cancer and many other types of tumors and other diseases. Animal Friends Croatia points out that due to the intake of high quantities of fiber that provides a feeling of satiety by switching to a vegan diet, people reduce weight in a healthy manner, especially during the first several months and most vegans have a lower body mass index. At the same time, there are no renunciations and strict diets but the results are visible regardless of enjoying a numerous variety of plant-based foods.

They remind us of a recent scientific discovery that obesity increases the death risk from the disease COVID-19, alarms us to turn to what is available for all of us – a balanced and varied plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

„A great advantage of plant-based products is that they contain fiber and no cholesterol and are easy to prepare and are healthier than meat and dairy products. On the Croatian market, there are already numerous plant-based substitutes for animal products that are not only healthier but by purchasing them you directly participate in preserving a healthy environment and are intended for all”, Animal Friends Croatia points out.

Diverse plant-based meals can be prepared in your own kitchen using vegetables, mushrooms, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds and the recipes can be found HERE. Therefore, Animal Friends Croatia Association invites us to celebrate World Health Day by informing ourselves about the plant-based diet and choosing vegan dishes and products. Regardless of dietary choice, every day we can choose healthier and more sustainable – vegan.

In order to ease the road towards less obesity and diseases and healthier dietary habits, they also recommend the Vege Challenge, a free internet service that offers 30 days of free e-mails with tips and useful information.

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