04/21/22 For Earth - Green, Active and Combative

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Animal Friends Croatia on the occasion of Earth Day offers dishes and sweets with a low carbon footprint

- 22. April from 11 o'clock tasting and education; day later large-scale cleaning and the Climate March

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On the occasion of the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day, celebrated on April 22nd, Animal Friends Croatia wants to emphasize how important the choice of food we eat is for the salvation of Earth.

That is why they will organize a tasting of food and sweets with a low carbon footprint on Friday, April 22nd, 2022, in Petar Preradovic Square. „Since diet with meat, milk and eggs have ten times higher carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases than a plant-based diet, vegan meals we offer, aside from being healthier and more ethical, are also good for the environment”, Animal Friends Croatia points out.

An educational panel will be set up at the information stand showing the impact of our diet on the amount of greenhouse gases per person during one year. Also, flyers will be distributed with information about a vegan diet and the invitation to Saturday’s events.

The Association appeals to all to respond to the large-scale clean-up action as per Resolution Earth initiative, starting Saturday, April 23rd, 2022 at 10 a.m., in Velika Gorica at Jezero Vukovina or in any of approximately 30 actions throughout Croatia.

They invite everyone to join the Climate March which will be, organized by the Extinction Rebellion Zagreb, held the same day and the gathering will take place at 2,30 p.m. at the Croatian National Theater in Zagreb.

On the occasion of Earth Day, Animal Friends Croatia finds it essential to emphasize that in June 2021, the Croatian Parliament passed the so-called Low-Carbon Strategy (Official Gazette 63/2021), with the following measures and paragraphs:

MAG-14 – Changing people's diet habits: „Cereal cultivation for animal food produces much more greenhouse gasses than cereal cultivation for human consumption. By increasing the consumption of plant-based foods in the diet, significant reductions in emission can be achieved, as well as water savings.”
Paragraph 6.6.2.: „It must be noted that the additional substantial (direct and indirect) greenhouse gas emission reduction could be achieved by changing the dietary habits of the society, i.e. measures that would encourage higher consumption of plant-based food.”

„We should take the advantage of the great power we, as individuals have (both as consumers and producers) and turn towards the plant-based diet. By choosing veganism we prevent the extreme suffering of animals, take care of our own health, and protect our only home and the valuable resources that it holds. A plant-based diet can secure our existence on this planet”, Animal Friends Croatia concludes and invite everyone to mark Earth Day green, actively and combatively.

Photographs from the food tasting are available HERE.

Photographs from the Climate March are available HERE.

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