03/10/22 Provide home for refugees and animals from Ukraine!

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Prijatelji ¾ivotinja in cooperation with civil defense are looking for accommodation for people with animals

- So far 200 people who could receive refugees and animals have applied; share the application form

After Prijatelji ¾ivotinja association shared on their websites applicaton form for accommodation of refugees and animals from war affected Ukraine, in short time 200 people applied “People who ran from the terrors of war with their pets surely have a harder time finding accommodation. That is why we collect a data base for supporting accommodation of people and animals from affected places. We invite everyone who can offer them accommodation to fill in application form and spread information so other people would also apply”, quote from Association.

All collected data Prijtelji ¾ivotinja shares with civil defense right away so everyone who needs help would in shortest possible time be instructed to people who applied via application form.

They emphasize that it’s extremely important that institutions in charge that work on organising accommodation have in mind that a lot of people will come with their animals and so they have to organise that accommodation having in mind that household accommodation won’t be enough. Private centers must have clear information on what to do when people arrive with their animals.

On their web pages they offer other verified information so they would be sure that help will come into right hands: “We publish contacts from organisations which collect financial help for acquiry and delivery of food, medicine and other necessaires for animals which stayed in Ukraine and people who are caring for them, whose fate was in evedible. We choose donation channels based on many years of networking with with animal rights organisations worldwide.”

Those who can help by volonteering in jobs in office can also apply providing faster and better quallity coordination with needs on the terrain. Help from people who can help with transporting with their personal vehicle or just with driving is also welcome because it’s possible that they will also need that type of help.

Organisations from Ukraine, as well as those who accept people and animals at the Ukrainian border bring help into dangerous war zone report that situation is still dire. Transporting food to shelters around the world is a huge problem. Some shelters were hit directly, some animal rights activist individuals for animal protection, like dogs, cats, and also wild animals were fatally injured. During occupation of the city of Herson on south of Ukraine on egg farm “Chernobaviska” three million of chickens are starving to death becauase of the constant bombarding and from it being impossible to insure their nourishment.

Luka Oman, president of Prijatelji ¾ivotinja association and recipient of special recognition for promotion of peacekeeping, non-violence and human rights “Krunoslav Skuiæ” quote “Respect of animal rights for life and freedom is biggest value which we need as an individual or society to build and cherish. That’s why we have to condemn violence, destruction and killing, and direct all effort to stopping pain, suffering and death and show solidarity and empathy towards people and animals from Ukraine.

Prijatelji ¾ivotinja expresses sorrow and concern for human and animal tragedies, which share same destiny as exiles, and support anti-war meetings for stopping the war and establishing peace.

Application form for helping victims of war and more informations are here.

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