01/18/22 Give your voice to save animals from the cruelty of experimentation!

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Signatures are being collected for the area of Europe in which there are no animal testings for cosmetics - by August 2022.

- Great European Citizens' Initiative to preserve and strengthen the prohibition on animal experimentation

Back in 2013. animal testings for cosmetics and selling such cosmetics were banned in the European Union. Therefore, the public is shocked by the fact that animals continue to suffer and die due to the testing of cosmetic ingredients! That is happening due to the REACH Regulation which regulates the registration, evaluation and authorization of dangerous substances as well as the restrictions that apply to them. That Regulation undermines the Cosmetic Products Regulation which prohibits animal testing. Namely, the competent authorities continue to require that ingredients used in cosmetic products be tested on animals, even those ones that have been declared safe for years.

"That is contrary to the intention of the legislator and contrary to the expectations and wishes of the public which had been fighting for years to prohibit the testings. To make matters worse, developing a new Sustainability Strategy for Chemicals is a deadly threat to a million new animals in laboratories", Animal Friends Croatia warn.

Horrified by that, the European animal protection organizations, including Animal Friends Croatia, have joined forces to call on EU authorities to revoke new requirements for animal testings and to ensure the safety of cosmetics and cosmetic ingredients using exclusively animal-free methods. A major European citizens' initiative "Save cosmetics made without cruelty - commit to a Europe free of animal testings" has been initiated. "If the signatures of one million citizens from all over the European Union are collected by August 2022, the European Commission will have to propose a new regulation that will ensure the prohibition of cruel experiments.", Animal Friends Croatia points out.

Croatia also needs to contribute with the number of signatories, which is why Animal Friends Croatia calls upon everyone to take half a minute and by clicking on eci.ec.europa.eu/019/public call on the European Commission to maintain and strengthen the prohibition of animal testings for cosmetic products and to fundamentally change EU regulations relating to chemicals and thus to modernize science in the EU before the end of the current European Parliament mandate.

"Never before have we had such effective tools to ensure safety without the use of animals, nor such a great opportunity to revolutionize the protection of people and the environment. The European Commission must support and strengthen the prohibition of animal testings and the move to an animal-free safety assessment", is stated on the website where signatures are collected.

"Every year, around 10 million mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, monkeys and other animals are used in painful experiments across the European Union. Animal testing is slow, inefficient and it causes enormous animal suffering and does not contribute to the development of science nor to a better understanding of human diseases. More than 90% of new drugs tested on animals have failed human trials. It is in the interest of animals, humans, the humanity and the science of the 21st century to invest in non-animal testing methods.", Animal Friends Croatia emphasizes.

They conclude: "Each, at first glance an insignificant step, helps animals to get rid of pain and suffering and to stop futile animal experiments. Buy only products from non-animal testing manufacturers and take a few minutes to give your voice to the initiative and invite others to do the same".

More information can be found at www.crueltyfreeeurope.org.

Translated by: Anamarija Lazić

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