08/17/21 Vegan Scrambled Eggs - the most innovative plant-based product

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At the ZeGeVege Festival on 3rd and 4th September 2021 plaque awards for the most innovative products

The project “Produce Sustainably, Eat Green” has yielded new sustainable products. Up until now, you couldn’t get a ready-made tofu scramble anywhere in Croatia. But a small Croatian plant-based food producer, who has already won over many gourmands with his tasty vegan “ćevapi” and other delicious foods which can make anyone forget about meat, has distinguished himself as the most innovative among the participants precisely thanks to his ready-made tofu scramble, which needs only to be reheated prior to consummation.

Proud of the fact is Animal Friends organization since the tofu scramble was created as part of their project “Produce Sustainably, Eat Green.” In the beginning of the project, the organization has encouraged local producers to make new vegan products and place them on the market and offered them help in the form of giving advice, proposing ideas, and sometimes even naming their products.

The aim of the project is to improve cooperation within the Croatian agricultural sector focused on the production of plant-based foods, as well as to promote and increase the visibility of plant-based products and a sustainable diet. The project was supported by the Croatian Ministry of Agriculture. “Produce Sustainably, Eat Green” is in line with the priorities of the European strategy for smart and sustainable growth and its promotion of the growing plant-based food economy, which is better for the environment and more economical in terms of using natural resources, while also being much healthier and saving billions of animals’ lives.

“To many, it is unimaginable that scrambled eggs can be made without the eggs, and still be similar in taste and texture and even easier to prepare. When we talk about vegan frittatas, scrambles or omelettes, we usually mean tofu scrambles or chickpea-flour omelettes. In this recipe, tofu is crumbled in an oiled pan and seasoned with turmeric (for colour) and with black salt, which has an aroma similar to eggs. The new product has fulfilled all of our expectations - you can simply open up the package and enjoy a delicious meal full of protein and with no cholesterol. We are especially thrilled to see it premiere at the ZeGe Vege Festival on the 3th and 4th of September,” said the members of the Animal Friends organization.

They remind all of the cruelty of using birds to take their eggs: “The unwanted by-product in the egg industry are male chicks because they don’t lay eggs and they are undesirable in the meat industry as well since they don’t give enough meat. In the egg industry, every year billions of male chicks are suffocated or ground alive as soon as they are born. Their sisters are forced to constantly lay eggs until they, completely exhausted, get transferred to slaughterhouse trucks. More than 50 million tons of eggs a year are meant to satisfy the immense human appetite for a product that we don’t even need, and which is also a cholesterol bomb and a potential salmonella transmitter.

Animal Friends invite all to come to the ZeGeVege Festival, to find out what other products will be pronounced the most innovative among vegan products and to see for themselves that each meal they are used to consuming has its own equally delicious version that is healthier and the consumption of which is more useful in stopping climate change. At the Festival you will also be able to find some already familiar and popular products such as Stella’s sausages and tasty vegan “ćevapčići,” as well as some innovations such as vegan honey, sweet potato “kremšnitas,” catnip wittily named “Sprouts for Snouts,” nettle pesto, and numerous other vegan products at about a hundred street stands and restaurants.

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