08/17/20 Disturbing: 11 millions of animals suffer in laboratories

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European Union wishes to forbid the production of animal antibodies

- 95 % of drugs are tested and have success on animals, but not on humans; the future is shutting down the usage of animals

Although between 92 and 95 % of all drugs which show efficiency on animals but not on humans in the following clinical stages when testing on human patients, in the European Union there are still 11 million animals used for scientific research on a yearly basis. Animal Friends Croatia has issued a warning that last year only in British laboratories there have been used more than 3,3 million mice, rats, apes, dogs, hamsters, horses, and other animals.

„It is highly disturbing that for example on Birmingham University within an experiment, rats have been shot in both their eyes and within next two weeks prior to their killing, they did not receive any palliative treatment.“ – as stated by Animals' Friends who were disgusted by this practice and therefore seek a discontinuance of those cruel experiments.

They highlight that scientific research clearly shows that the true direction in revealing effective medicaments and the science development itself, is the one that passes over pointless, ridiculous, ethically forbidden, and extremely brutal and painful experiments on animals. Despite the fact that mice and chimpanzees may share a high percentage of their genes with humans, the immune system and physiology respond differently and in diverse and nohow comparable ways. Therefore they point out that the solution is within noninvasive methods that do not harm people nor animals.

AFC, as members of the European alliance for termination of experimenting on animals (ECEAE), states that the referent laboratory of the European Union for alternatives to experiments on animals (EURL ECVAM) has issued a Recommendation where it is required a scientific validation of antibodies which were not received from animals, with a cause to stop using animals for development and production of antibodies.

Furthermore, as positive news, they single out a German organization Doctors against experiments on animals (DAAE) who have initiated a free database showing technologies that do not use animals on www.nat-database.org site. NAT database gives insight into research technologies without using animals, from all parts of the world and it contains 250 inputs on methods without using animals so far, and it will be constantly updated. Within the site, it can be searched for research areas such as oncology, toxicology, or medicament history and development, or it may be searched for research models such as organs-on-chips, 3D print, or computer models.

This database was developed in the last several months by Dr. Tamara Zietek, the scientific coordinator of DAAE, and Julia Preller, the leader of the IT section. „Many still think that experiments on animals are liable and necessary. This however is far away from the truth and we must convince scientists, law authorities, and politicians into the advantage of research without using animals in relation with experiments on animals“ – as has been stated by Dr. Zietek. She also added: „In order to achieve progression of paradigm towards research without involving animals, it is of high importance to support innovative methods without using animals.“

AFC concludes that it is inevitable to support scientific research based on humans, as well as methods that do not use animals. It is important to encourage the prevention of diseases with a healthy vegan diet, nonsmoking, physical activity, and other methods for achieving welfare and good health.

Bioserch rats

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