04/13/13 Adopting is Cool

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Animal Friends invites everyone to this year's first action of adopting animals

- Zagreb, Trg bana Josipa Jelacica, April 13 from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M.

Animal Friends is going to participate in this year's first action "Adopting is Cool" with the theme of helping wounded and old dogs, organized by the Shelter for Abandoned Animals of the City of Zagreb and by the City Office for Agriculture and Forestry. Association Noah's Ark is also participating in this action.

Old and wounded dogs deserve to be adopted as well, so they can feel the joy of life and safety of a family home after they have been abandoned, wounded or been treated badly for a long time. Citizens are invited not to buy the animals but to help those who really need it by adopting them.

Actress Doris Pincic, who was the face for the last year's project "Let Adoption Be Your Choice," is going to help in searching for new homes for wounded and old dogs. She will be at the stall at exactly 11 A.M.

"Adopting is Cool" is going to be held on Saturday, April 13, 2013, at Trg bana Josipa Jelacica in Zagreb.

Adopting is Cool April 2013 [ 95.01 Kb ]Adopting is Cool April 2013 [ 88.25 Kb ]Adopting is Cool April 2013 [ 77.78 Kb ]Adopting is Cool April 2013 [ 64.79 Kb ]

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