Fifteenth ZeGeVege Festival Scheduled for the First Weekend in September!

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Animal Friends Croatia invites all to a two-day event that will include good food, entertainment and education

- On September 1 and 2, 2023, from 9 am: the greenest Croatian festival to take place at Europe Square

Animal Friends Croatia invites all to come for a stroll around Zagreb’s Europe Square on September 1 and 2, from 9 am, and visit numerous stalls by manufacturers and suppliers of plant-based food and cruelty-free cosmetics. Visitors will also have an opportunity to taste delicious vegan dishes offered by a variety of restaurants at the 15th ZeGeVege Festival of sustainable living – including burgers, hot dogs, bolognese and other classic but also exotic specialties, as well as raw cakes, ice cream and cold kombucha.

Animal Friends Croatia, hosts of the greenest Croatian vegan festival, expects thousands of visitors at Europe Square. In addition to being offered a plethora of useful information at the Festival, they believe visitors will most profit from information on the multiple advantages of plant-based food for all: humans, as well as our planet and its animals. The Festival will be sign-posted from Ban Jelačić Square with a photo spot next to the six-meter banner promoting the diet of the future. Furthermore, visitors will be able to learn from educational billboards or interviews conducted by the host, Sara Mešin, with renowned persons from the world of veganism. The Festival will include V-labelled exhibitors from abroad, various associations and humanitarian and environmental groups, as well as representatives from animal shelters and asylums.

Animal Friends Croatia is looking forward to the 15th celebration of veganism and sustainable living. ZeGeVege Festival has been noted as an exceptional meeting place for gourmets, lovers of good food and plant-based cosmetics, but also those in search of positive energy and positive changes.

“Come and have fun with us, absorb the positive energy and fuel on plant-based food, laugh with our mascots Carrot Man and Pea Man, leaf through free recipe brochures, learn about animal rights and the vegan movement, and celebrate the sustainable way of living. As always, we have prepared tons of interesting surprises for all ages. See you there!” state Animal Friends Croatia, extending their invitation to the public to join them at Europe Square.

The 15th ZeGeVege Festival is sponsored by the City of Zagreb, and the festival is organized on a non-profit, educational basis.

15th ZeGeVege [ 647.30 Kb ]

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