12/27/24 With Firecrackers Banned, Celebrate Without Air Bombs or Other Pyrotechnics!

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Use of pyrotechnics, excluding firecrackers, permitted from December 27 until January 1

- Since we have light effects and drones, let us avoid child injuries and animal deaths

Starting today, it is permitted to use pyrotechnics, however not firecrackers or F2 or F3 category bandoliers which have been banned for purchase or use for several years! Animal Friends Croatia appeal to the public not to use other pyrotechnics either, such as rockets, air bombs or fireworks because they are harmful to humans and animals while causing air and environment pollution. The group report receiving many complaints from the public over illegal use of firecrackers as well as the so-called air bombs, which produce the same level of noise as firecrackers although they are propelled into the air. The group announced they would seek to have them banned by law.

“Earlier this year we wrote to the Ministry of Interior requesting that the 2025 Plan of Legal Activities include amendments to the Act on Explosive Matter and Weapon Production and Trade, however, we received no response. We believe that the use of pyrotechnics, in addition to firecrackers, bandoliers and air-bombs, should be limited solely to December 31 and the first hours of January 1. There are no festivities on December 27, 28, 29 and 30 so there is no reason for pyrotechnics to be used on those days,” emphasised Snje¾ana Klopotan Kaèavenda, Project Co-ordinator.

Even one child’s hand lost or one dead animal is one too many

She stated that news of minors suffering major injuries caused by pyrotechnics have been rolling in since early December: “As a society, we should take a stance where one child’s hand lost or one animal dead due to pyrotechnics is one too many. Parents are often unaware that minors are not allowed to fire pyrotechnics at all, or that they would be held responsible and fined. Anyone handling pyrotechnics in any way is responsible for children’s injuries.”

Klopotan Kaèavenda pointed out the insane legal provision allowing the use of pyrotechnics five days before the New Year’s any time of day or night, and citizens have no one to turn to to complain about public disorder. “Pyrotechnics lead to accumulation of stress both with humans and animals as when noise levels are high for days, it becomes increasingly harder to tolerate it. The night use of pyrotechnics is particularly disturbing for all those who go to work the following day, putting their capacity to work at risk. The noise made by pyrotechnics bothers children who have trouble calming down, sick persons and animals. Thus, it is only logical that the use of pyrotechnics should be further limited,” she stated.

She added that birds and other wild animals are increasingly more exhausted due to continuous high-level noise, thus often suffering injuries for lack of rest, having restlessly fluttered about, only to be killed off by the New Year’s Eve fireworks. The chances for cats and dogs to get killed due to pyrotechnics increase from mid-December, and particularly from December 27 onwards as they are afraid of loud noises. Due to fear, a large number of animals stop eating or excreting while manically trying to find a hiding spot. Fear and stress accumulate after every loud firing and the extended suffering increases the chances of their heart stopping on New Year’s Eve.

Light effects, drones, and lasers instead of fireworks

“A new global trend has become more popular where cities have given up organising fireworks or using any loud pyrotechnics to celebrate and are turning to other ways to celebrate free of noise, explosions, or pollution. Some Croatian cities have caught on, repurposing the funds they would normally spend on fireworks for donations, savings, or other forms of celebration. Today we have many alternatives available for New Year’s celebrations such as light effects, drones, lasers, reflectors, and video mapping,” concluded Animal Friends Croatia.

The group invites citizens to call 112 or the local police station and report any illegal use of firecrackers. “We appeal to the public to show compassion for others and not to be callous towards others for their own interests. We can celebrate without terrorising others or creating a war-zone-like atmosphere,” reported Animal Friends Croatia.

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