05/06/11 The World Peace Diet - Eating For Spiritual Health And Social Harmony

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Dvostruka duga and Animal Friends invite to the promotion of the groundbreaking book

- A book on diet as powerful force responsible for the creation of fundamental values of the human society

In the edition of Dvostruka duga from Cakovec, a very interesting and compelling book The World Peace Diet – Eating For Spiritual Health And Social Harmony by Will Tuttle has been published in Croatia. It has been called one of the most important books of the 21st century: the foundation of a new society based on the truth of the interconnectedness of all life. In March, 2010, it became a #1 Amazon best-seller!

The World Peace Diet offers a compelling and liberating new understanding of our food and our culture, examining deeply-routed social and spiritual consequences of our eating habits and mentality that support them. It is the first book to reveal the invisible connections between our culture, our food, and the source of our broad range of problems - and the way to a positive transformation in our individual and collective lives.

The book promotion will take place on May 6, 2011 at 6:30 P.M. in Mala dvorana of the Public Open University Zagreb, Ulica grada Vukovara 68, in Zagreb. This book promotion will also take place in Rijeka and other Croatian towns.

An all-day info stall will be set for the occasion of the publishing of this book on the day of the promotion in Varsavska ulica in Zagreb. Both at the stall and at the promotion the book can be purchased for the promotional price of 75 kuna.

We are what we eat because we literally build food into our bodies. Through eating we partake of our culture’s values and paradigms at the most primal and unconscious levels. As children, through constant exposure to the complex patterns of belief surrounding our most elaborate group ritual, eating food, we ingested our culture's values and invisible assumptions. Like sponges, we learned, we partook, and we became acculturated. Now, as adults, finding our lives beset with stress and a range of daunting problems of our own making, we rightly yearn to understand the source of our frustrating inability to live in harmony on this earth. The World Peace Diet discovers a disturbing force that is fundamental in generating our dilemmas and crises, a force that is staring up at us every day from our plates!

Food is a key factor in creating a new mythos, affirming cooperation, freedom, peace, life, and unity, which is struggling to be born to replace the old mythos based on competition, separateness, war, exclusion, and the idea that might makes right.

This book also initiated the launch of the campaign 'One Mother, One World'. More information about it can be found at www.umjetnost-davanja.hr or on Facebook www.facebook/jedna.majka. More information about the book can be found at www.dvostrukaduga.hr and www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr.

All media representatives interested in reviewing The World Peace Diet can get a free copy.

Photos from the book promotion and tasting in Rijeka on May 12, 2011

"The World Peace Diet" Rijeka May 12, 2011 a [ 104.46 Kb ]"The World Peace Diet" Rijeka May 12, 2011 b [ 102.81 Kb ]"The World Peace Diet" Rijeka May 12, 2011 c [ 93.27 Kb ]

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