Specious Science: Why Experiments on Animals Harm Humans
by C. Ray Greek, MD and Jean Swingle Greek, DVM
continuum, 2003, ISBN 0-8264-1538-5
In accessible language, this persuasive book provides the scientific underpinning for the Greeks' philosophy of do no harm to any animal, human or not. The Greeks show that the "great divide" between species makes extrapolation from one group to another utterly invalid. As they did in their first book, Sacred Cows and Golden Geese: The Human Cost of Experiments on Animals ("A book to spur discussion and action" - Booklist), the Greeks blow the lid off the "specious science" we actually have been culturally conditioned to accept.
"In Specious Science the Greeks have built an unassailable case against the animal model as a logical and science basis for progress in modern medicine. This book ought to be ready by every physician and medical researcher. One hopes also that it will be read by every emloyee of the FDA and NIH, and every legislator responsible for funding these agencies, which still make decisions based on the archaic use of animals in medical research." - Gene Brewer, author of the K-PAX trilogy
"This book is important. People do not easily grasp that research that is inhumane can also be unscientific. The Greeks should be listened to." - Mary Midgley
"Specious Science dares to burst open the doors of the vivisectors' world to reveal their murk and deception, motivations and lies... What distinguishes this work from others on vivisection is that the truth is told in a strictly scientific way as opposed to an animal rights interpretation... Specious Science is a brave work." - Vegan Voice
C. Ray Greek, MD, is a board-certified anesthesiologist and scientific adviser to the National Anti-Vivisection Society (USA). He and co-author Jean Swingle Greek, DVM, have established Americans For Medical Advancement and Europeans For Medical Advancement.