08/24/05 Report to the Veterinary Inspection - Kaptol Center
Avenija Dubrovnik 12
10000 Zagreb
August 24, 2005
Dear Sirs,
After several citizen complaints to Animal Friends and media and after our own investigation, we want to draw your attention to inadequate keeping and treatment of animals for exploitation which purpose is gaining profit in over twenty stores in Kaptol centar.
After accusing shoe-store Roberto in Ilica 23 and Gunduliceva 3 on July 1, 2005, what we are still waiting report for, we feel revulsion after an investigation based on complaints that in shop windows of over twenty stores in Kaptol Center (Iris, Lisca, Polzela, Labud, Biofarm, and other), round containers with golden fish are kept as exhibits among selling articles.
Fish are put in round containers in which they constantly move in circles and reflection of glassy round container causes them permanent headaches. From previous experience we know that workers in so-called pet shops don't have neither sufficient knowledge nor sufficient education about animals they sell, so we receive complainits about neglecting these animals, and fish in Kaptol Center are left to mercy of uncareful employees who aren't educated at all about proper care for these animals. That is why we have a good reason to suspect that neither nobody changes water for the fish nor anybody takes a slightest care about their well-being, health and life.
We think that it is unacceptable to use animals for promotional purposes in a way to force them to unnatural behaviour and to keep them in inadequate and humiliating conditions, and also keeping live animals as exhibits in shop windows. Article 20 and Article 23 of existing Animal Welfare Act provide penalties for using animals that way.
According to all this we request that you urgently investigate the whole case and undertake appropriate measures for helping animals and sanctioning such treatment of animals.
We thank you in advance and request your written information about the veterinary inspection report.
Yours sincerely,
Luka Oman
Animal Friends