05/26/23 Trap, Neuter, Release: Saving Street Cats

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The World Feral Cat Spay Day is celebrated on May 27

- Calling on veterinary clinics to neuter (abandoned) feral cats for free

On World Feral Cat Spay Day, May 27, the Animal Protection Network of the association Animal Friends Croatia called on Croatian veterinary clinics to neuter at least one feral or abandoned cat for free (preferably more), as positive encouragement for the public to follow.

Examples of this practice around the world show how successful and necessary the trap-neuter-release program is, together with feral cat neutering in general. Many veterinary clinics consider the trap-neuter-release method the most efficient in keeping the cat population under control. Neutering is beneficial for feral cats which produce multiple litters every year, while protecting them from transmitting infectious diseases at the same time. When they are not exhausted by repeated pregnancies, cats enjoy better immunity and generally better health, while engaging in fewer incidences of aggression.

“Abandoned or feral cats end up on the streets thanks to irresponsible and callous individuals who do not take care of their cat’s litter but leave the unwanted kittens in the street where they continue to reproduce. If their numbers are not controlled by neutering, they are condemned to roaming, constant search for food, incessant cycles of giving birth to kittens who often die of illness or starvation, infectious or untreated diseases, territory fights, poisoning, car accidents, etc.” stressed Svjetlana Prodanoviæ, Dr.Med.Vet, Coordinator of the Animal Protection Network.
“Feral cats cannot be relocated; however, it is hard to rehome them. Subsequently, the only solution is to neuter them and set up feeding stations for them, which should be organized at a local community level,” explain representatives of the Network.

On the occasion of World Feral Cat Spay Day, the following veterinary clinics sent an educational message on the advantages and importance of spaying and neutering feral (abandoned) cats for free: Veterinary Clinic Benèiæ, Pazin; Veterinary Practice Uvodiæ, Èavle; Specialist Veterinary Practice VIPet, Zagreb; Veterinary Clinic for Small Animals Buba, Zagreb; Veterinary Clinic Vet-Iva, Zagreb. Animal Friends Croatia calls on other clinics across Croatia to join this praiseworthy initiative.

More information on spaying is available in our Reduce Animal Abandonment by Spaying brochure, providing details on the correct method of marking neutered feral cats by clipping the tip of their left ear. Anyone interested in helping cats should fill in the application form for discounted or free cat neutering.

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