02/03/14 Reply to Mayor of Slunj

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Town of Slunj
FAO Mayor Zeljko Rendulic
Trg dr. Franje Tudmana 12
47240 Slunj

February 3, 2014

Dear Mr. Rendulic,

It is extremely pleasing to hear that you have changed your decision and we surely support your request which should ensure there is peace for guardians of companion animals regardless of the number of animals in the household.

Therefore we suggest that the only valid criteria for keeping companion animals be the ability to satisfy lawfully prescribed conditions for keeping animals and ethical treatment towards them as well as meeting all the veterinary and sanitation conditions, with a possible note that disturbing other neighbours or residents is not allowed.

If there happens to be complaints made by neighbours and/or co-residents we suggest that, as a governing body, veterinary inspection is obliged to visit and estimate the conditions, and depending on them ban or change the number of animals to be kept.

We remain available for further questions and collaboration and we are sure that this new decision will be accepted by all the citizens because it will represent their interests, such as all your previous decisions.

Kind regards,

Luka Oman, president of Animal Friends

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