03/15/10 Children of People for Children of Seals
Animal Friends this year too protesting in front of the Canadian Embassy
- Despite the ban on trade in products from seals in the European Union, the slaughter of seals has been announced also this year
Every year with the beginning of spring helpless seal pups, some of them only two weeks old, become victims of hunters for profit. They kill them with clubs and guns for their fur. Many of those seals will be skinned alive or will die trapped under the ice after being injured. And all this happens before the eyes of their mothers who watch helplessly and cry after the horrible death of their children...
For six years in a row Animal Friends has been protesting in front of the Canadian Embassy in Zagreb against the slaughter of seals and crime against nature. This year's protest will be held on Monday, March 15, 2010 at 12 noon in front of the Canadian Embassy in the Gjure Dezelica street 4. Thirty students from the elementary school King Tomislav in Zagreb will join Animal Friends' activists.
With their arrival, children under the slogan "Children of people for children of seals" will appeal to the compassion and final ending of the killing of seals and thus join thousands of citizens and dozens of animal protection and rights organizations from all over the world.
No violent death is justified, but when it comes to the violent death of a helpless child it is a logical condemnation of the general public. From year to year the world repeatedly condemns the massacre of more than 300,000 seals - being violently slaughtered every year - but before this condemnations and appeals eyes are consistently being closed.
Some countries such as the USA, Mexico, Slovenia, Croatia, Belgium, the Netherlands, Latvia, and more recently the entire European Union banned the import and sale of the seal fur. But while these bans do not begin to give results, all those who sympathize with the children of seals and sharply condemn the Canadian slaughter will continue to protest.
The world will also this year be united in condemning the crime on the innocent, armed with compassion, empathy and awareness that all Earthlings have the right to life.